
Science is often perceived as a challenging and intimidating subject. This can make students feel nervous and scared to learn it, even before they try.

But learning doesn’t have to be scary! It can be fun and engaging.
Karkhana is helping schools to turn normal science classrooms into a lab of discoveries through the “Karkhana Program: Hands-on Curricular Science”. The program is aligned with the national curriculum of grades 1 to 9. Our program majorly focuses on promoting scientific learning and scientific skills mentioned in the national curriculum.

But learning does not have to be scary, it can be fun and engaging !

Karkhana helps to convert regular science classroom into a 

lab of discoveries.

Karkhana helps to convert regular

science classroom into a 

lab of discoveries.

Core Features of Karkhana Program

Core Features of Karkhana Program

Aligned with National Curriculum and trusted by 150+ schools

Comprehensive teacher training & Customizable program module

Hands on learning materials, design & made in Nepal

Karkhana Science Program Module

KS Budget Program

NRs 70 per student/month
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KS Premium Program

NRs300 per student/month
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KS Shared Program

NRs 150 per student/month
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KS Budget Program
KS Premium Program
KS Shared Program
KS Budget Program
NRs 70 per student/month
KS Premium Program
NRs 300 per student/month
KS Shared Program
NRs 150 per student/month

Successfully implemented and trusted by schools

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Schools Collaborated
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Teachers Collaborated
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Students Impacted
Schools Collaborated
Teachers Collaborated

Aligned with National Curriculum and successfully trusted by 150+ schools

  1. All  programs for Grades 1 to 9 are aligned with the national curriculum.

  2. The program majorly focuses on promoting scientific learning and scientific skills mentioned in the national curriculum.

  3. The program also supports the 50 marks practical evaluation criteria determined by curriculum.

A bag full of learning materials, design and made in Nepal

  1. A lab in a bag for individual students.
  2. Learning through 14+10 hands-on activities in kit.
  3. A physical kit bag that students can take home, fostering engagement with parents.
  4. Connect classroom learning with real-life experiences.
  5. Designed and Made in Nepal by Nepali engineers and educators.
  6. The program engages more than 20+ Nepali companies.


Comprehensive teacher training & year-long support, along with app

  1. Teachers will receive total of 24 hours training and support throughout the year.
  2. Teachers will be provided with a separate teachers kit with additional materials.
  3. Access to the Karkhana App
  4. Teachers will receive certification upon the completion of the trainings and fulfillment of certain criterias.

Aligned with National Curriculum & successfully trusted by 150+ schools

  1. All  programs for Grades 1 to 9 are aligned with the national curriculum.

  2. The program majorly focuses on promoting scientific learning and scientific skills mentioned in the national curriculum.

  3. The program also supports the 50 marks practical evaluation criteria determined by curriculum.

A bag full of learning materials, design and made in Nepal

  1. A lab in a bag for individual students.
  2. Learning through 14+10 hands-on activities in kit.
  3. A physical kit bag that students can take home, fostering engagement with parents.
  4. Connect classroom learning with real-life experiences.
  5. Designed and Made in Nepal by Nepali engineers and educators.
  6. The program engages more than 20+ Nepali companies.


Comprehensive teacher training & year-long support, along with app

  1. Teachers will receive total of 24 hours training and support throughout the year.
  2. Teachers will be provided with a separate teachers kit with additional materials.
  3. Access to the Karkhana App
  4. Teachers will receive certification upon the completion of the trainings and fulfillment of certain criterias.

Karkhana Mini Program

If school is not confident about 1:1 module (i,e one student one kit), then we have brought an easy module to initiate the program for the 1st year, which is:

Karkhana Mini Program

The program includes:

  1. A year long training and support for your teachers
  2. A bag full of materials for teachers including materials for demonstrative activities and 14 group activities that align with the national curriculum 
  3. Access to Karkhana App


  • This kit bag is owned and maintained by teachers encouraging peer-based learning through hands-on activities. 
  • Students won’t have the option to take activities home.

What teachers have to say about us!

What parents have to say about us !!

Teacher's Experience!

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